  • 期刊


Improving Execution Rate of Oral Nursing Care Teaching for the Patients with Oral Cancer during Chemo-radiotherapy




Oral cancer patients who were treated with chemo-radiotherapy often tended to give up from this therapy because they had to suffer pains and experienced difficult eating due to altered oral mucous membrane. One hundred and twenty six patients with oral cancer who accepted chemo-radiotherapy from E.N.T. unit were investigated during a six-month period from January 2006 to June 2006. It was found that 115 patients had altered oral mucous membrane. The incident rate was 91.27%. Several problems were identified after the data analysis. The nurses were not included in the continuing education programs, specifically in oral nursing care; the standardized procedures for the care of patients with oral cancer were not in place. There was also a lack of oral nursing care and teaching instruments. The team decided to design a project to solve the above mentioned problems. The purposes of this project were to improve the execution rate of oral nursing care teaching, knowledge of oral nursing care for nurses, and patients' satisfaction rate. The strategies to resolve these issues included (1) to set criteria for the standardized execution procedures on oral nursing care, set specialized oral nursing care package, and to create educational materials for oral nursing care teaching, (2) to conduct professional continuing education programs related to oral nursing care for nurses, to teach nurses the knowledge of oral cancer and therapy, and to help patients understand the importance of oral nursing care. The results showed that the execution rate of oral nursing care teaching increased from 54% to 100%. The average score of oral care knowledge test on nurses improved from 66.5 points to 92.5 points. Patients' satisfaction rate improved from 52.8% to 90.2%. The results demonstrated great improvement. The results and instruments of this project could be used as an example for other departments caring for cancer patients to promote the quality of nursing care and increase patients' comfort.


