  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Caring for a Recurrent Tongue Cancer Patient with Wounds




舌癌 復發 傷口


This case report described the nursing experience of caring for a recurrent tongue cancer patient with wounds. The patient was hospitalized due to wounds that caused significant physical and psychological problems. The author assessed the patient by clinical observations, interviews, data collections, and the eleven-item Gordon Functional Health Measure during the caring period (May 28, 2009~July 20, 2009). The patient was diagnosed suffering from some problems, such as pain, impaired oral mucous membrane, body image disturbance, and anticipatory grief. Nursing skills including listening, care, empathy, and acceptance were utilized. The author used some nursing information and interventions to help the patient overcome the mental discomfort, to improve skills in wound care to improve oral hygiene, to alleviate the pain caused by wounds, to encourage the patient accept the change in his body image, and to assist him in overcoming the impacts caused by wounds while facing recurrent tongue cancer. By means of this case report, the author realized deeply that by providing individual and complete nursing care, nurses can greatly improve the quality of care.


tongue cancer recurrence wound
