  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Applying a Care Theory to a Young Woman Undergoing Permanent Ileostomy




This article described the nursing experience of caring a 26 years old female who received total excision of large intestine and permanent colostomy due to familial adenomatous polyposis. The patient faced a change of body image and functional reconstruction of defecation after surgery. She showed emotions such as a deplorable sight, upset, and negative mood. The author provided care-giving methods by following interview, communication, and Gordon 11 function health patterns analysis for collect data during the period of October 4, 2017 to October 16, 2017. The main nursing problems included acute pain, body image disturbance, and anxiety. The author adopted humanistic and altruism value system based on Watson's Caring Theory to enhance interpersonal relationship, to establish a positive nurse-patient relationship, and to offer an individualized nursing guidance. During the nursing process, in addition to medication, for the non-medical aspect, aromatherapy, abdominal belt, playing favorite music were applied to relieve acute pain of abdominal wound dehiscence after surgery. For the psychological aspect, the positive reinforcement of family members as well as friends, sharing YouTube motivational videos, and the instruction of home care of colostomy by the enterostomal therapist of the interdisciplinary team were applied to assist the patient readapting to the change of physical appearance. Both the patient and her boy friend were targets/objects of nursing guidelines, jointly participating and sharing experiences in a patient support group to relieve anxiety of the patient and to help her meet the physical, psychological, and social needs.


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