  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Applying Swanson's Caring Theory for a Patient Newly Diagnosed with Malignant Lymphoma and Diabetes Mellitus




This article described a nursing experience of applying Swanson's caring theory for a patient newly diagnosed with lymphoma and diabetes mellitus who overcame the disease shock, physical and mental discomfort. We used overall assessment of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions to assess the patient's health problems through observation, interview, and medical records during the period of November 11 to 20, 2018. We identified the major health problems of the case were nausea and vomiting, knowledge deficiency, and anxiety. We used acupressure, taking the capsule containing ginger ingredients and teaching progressive muscle relaxation to relieve the patient's nausea and vomiting. We also provided the patient a quiet space and guided to express his feelings and needs as well as provided him favorite music and progressive muscle relaxation to relieve his anxiety. Finally, we applied self-management of the diabetes and myelosuppression education to help him face the problems and overcome disease shocks with a positive attitude. Diabetes was a common diagnosis so that it was easily ignored. Therefore, we suggested that the patient who was newly diagnosed with diabetes can be involved with a diabetes nursing educator for comprehensive care.


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