  • 期刊


Increasing the Completeness of Discharge Nursing Guidance for Autologous Breast Reconstruction Patients




This topic was designed in order to increase the completeness of a nurse physician's discharge nursing guidance for autologous breast reconstruction patients. By surveying nurses whom works for a medical center in northern Taiwan, their understanding of the discharge nursing guidance for autologous breast reconstruction patients was tallied. The results show that the nursing staffs only score 57.6% in understanding, while reaching just 41.0% in completeness. Therefore, by revising the program of on-the-job training, planning practical hands-on experiences, designing informative discharge nursing guidance, and updating the ward routine, the nurses' knowledge rate of discharge nursing guidance increased to 92.1%. In addition, the completeness rate increased to 91.5%. This project indeed increased the understanding and completeness of discharge nursing guidance for the nursing staff, and the patients have benefitted as a result. In the future, this informative discharge nursing guidance is further recommended for case managers to follow up the patients' condition and to immediately discover these patients' needs and problems.


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