  • 期刊


Improving the Integrity of End-of-Life-Care Preparations for Terminally-Ill Patients in the Medical Ward




生命末期 善終護理 安寧


Death is inevitable no matter how medical technology has been improving. It is important to improve the quality of life in terminally ill patients and help them end their life in peace with dignity. In our ward, the number of patients at the end-of-life receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation increased from three to eight in 2018, and only two were successfully rescued. The patients usually suffered unnecessary impact of aggressive interventions at the end of life. The purpose of this project was to improve the integrity of end-of-life-care preparations in the medical ward. Five problems were identified in the management of care: (1) lack of knowledge about providing appropriate care to end-of-life patients; (2) insufficient communication between staff members and patient/families on end-of-life care; (3) teaching guidance was too complicated; (4) inadequate systematic hand-off reporting; and (5) lack of sufficient religion related items. A variety of strategies was implemented to improve the integrity of end-of-life care, including providing continuous educational and training programs, creating health education leaflets and communication quotations, and developing a standard of care and hand-off reporting protocol. With the implementation of the project, the integrity of end-of-life careincreased from 18.2% to 83.3%. The hospice is the last blessing to the patient. It provides comprehensive comfort to the family and tranquility to the patient at the end of life.


terminally-ill end-of-life care hospice


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