  • 期刊


Nursing Care Experience of a Primipara Who Lost Her Mother after Childbirth




喪母 初產婦 產後


This article described about a nursing care experience of a primipara who lost her mother after childbirth. Through observation, interview, and physical assessment to collect data from physiologic, psychologic, social, and spiritual aspect between August 26, 2017 and September 24, 2017; and identified the following nursing issues: grief, ineffective breastfeeding, and impaired parenting. We encouraged her to express emotion and through religion to release grief. We also empathized the breastfeeding experience and advised accurate breastfeeding skills to make her breastfeeding more comfortable. Due to the grief impacting schedule of the baby-care learning, we revised the mentoring program according to her status, implanted knowledge of baby care to guide her to take care of baby gradually, and encouraged family members to participate in baby care to overcome the obstacle of performing parental role. Nursing staff must understand the impact of losing a loved one on postpartum women. It is recommended that to provide the relevant education and training to help the nursing staff to enhance their cultural sensitivity on different religions and customs; and recognize the grief counseling on death among different religions.


lost mother primipara postpartum


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