  • 期刊

應用Natural Helper Model提升失智據點服務成效之推動經驗

Utilize Natural Helper Model to Enhance the Effectiveness and Impact of Dementia Cognitive Rehabilitation Services


非藥物治療可以改善認知退化的程度,並可訓練失智者的日常生活功能,故本院2018年始提供失智據點服務,發現服務成效不佳且民眾照護認知低、自我效能差等問題,主要缺乏失智症照護技巧訓練,故應用Natural Helper概念推動志工培訓計畫,以改善服務成效為目的。經舉辦失智症志工培訓、培訓失智症照護講師群、舉辦失智症照護講座等,結果民眾失智照護認知提升至97.2%、志工失智症照護自我效能94.6%及失智症志工服務完成率28.5%。在志工培訓中,增加志工照護知能,且擔任志工時,能有自信提供失智者及家屬所需的照護及支持,得以讓據點的服務永續經營,增加失智者走出家門走入社區的機會,使其可以在記憶的缺口健康老化。


Non-pharmacological interventions could delay the progression of dementia, and also help dementia patients to improve their activities of daily living. Since 2018 we have established Dementia Cognitive Rehabilitation Services. We have realized that volunteer services have generated unproductive results. Insufficient knowledge of dementia disease and low self-efficacy for managing dementia-related problems are common for people with dementia. Due to a lack of dementia training programs, we have developed and promoted the projects of the volunteer dementia training program through the Natural Helper Model to strengthen and improve dementia care. These include the volunteer dementia training program, the dementia care instructors training program, and other dementia courses. As a result of the program, knowledge of dementia was 97.2%, the volunteers' self-efficacy for managing dementia was 94.6%, and the volunteer services completion rate was 28.5%. The training program enhanced the volunteers' knowledge of dementia, and also raised their confidence to support and provide the cares that are needed by the patients and families. The program expands Dementia Cognitive Rehabilitation Services and provides dementia patients with supports from the community.


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