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Nursing experience of caring a teenager who suffered from rejection combined with infection after transplantation




移植 青少年 巨細胞 排斥


The report described the nursing experience of caring a teenager with aplastic anemia who was admitted due to skin rejection after receiving hematopoietic stem cells transplantation and CMV infection. The patient also had suicide attempt due to repeated hospitalization. The caring duration was from Feb. 22, 2018 to Mar. 15, 2018. The patient was evaluated by using Gordons 11-functional-health-patterns assessment. The data were collected via directly nursing care, observation, holistic interview, and physical examination. The major health problems included 1. ineffective protection, 2. disturbed body image, and 3. hopelessness. To alleviate symptoms of skin rejection and the condition of pancytopenia, health education about preventing infection and skin care was provided. Negative emotion and suicide attempt due to the change of appearance caused by desquamation skin rash and the alienation with classmates because of long-term hospitalization were improved by listening, empathy, active care, and understanding of the patient's interest. We distracted the negative emotion by patient's favorite - online game and instructed the patient to establish his personal value. Hematopoietic stem cells transplantation was one of the important treatments of hemato-oncological disorders. Hence, besides the concept of nursing care of hematopoietic stem cells transplantation, we recommend health information about the complications after transplantation can be provided to patients and their families. Animation combined with printed information help strengthen the memory power. In addition, good relationship between the patient and the peers could help the patient to overcome the difficult experience resulting from treatment. Nursing staff could encourage visits from patients' friends or family members during hospitalization. Visits from the same age wardmates also help promote the adaptative process.


transplantation teenagers CMV Rejection


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