  • 期刊


The Predicament of Minority Government in the Legislative Yuan


民國八十九年總統大選結果,代表民進黨的陳水扁當選中華民國第十任總統,完成了台灣首次的政黨輪替,然而在立法部門,國民黨立委掌握立法院的過半數,因此形成了總統與立法院的多數黨不屬於同一政黨的分立性政府型態。由於民進黨政府無法掌握立法院的多數,一個沒有獲的國會多數支持的政府,是否在預算的審查與法案的推動在立法院會遭遇困難? 為了瞭解行政與立法之間的互動是否因為政府無法掌握國會的多數而有所差異,本文將其分為三個階段來觀察,第一階段為國民黨執政且擁有國會多數支持的多數政府時期,第二階段為民進黨執政,但是國會多數為國民黨所掌握的少數政府時期,第三階段為民進黨執政,國會並沒有何一黨掌握過半席次,民進黨雖然在立法上常與台聯結盟,但是仍然無法掌握國會的多數。本文觀察的焦點則放在立法院對於預算的審查與法案的審查。本研究發現從立法院對於行政院所提出的總預算的刪減比例,並未顯示少數政府與多數政府的差異,然而若是從預算主決議的數量與內容,我們確實可以看出少數政府的預算在立法院所遭遇的困難,即使在三階段民進黨的席次增加,畢竟未掌握國會多數,其困難並未因席次增加而減少。 接著,本研究更進一步觀察行政院提案在立法院審查的狀態,與其他單位的提案相比,少數政府時期,行政院提案的通過率較低且所須天數較長。另外,我們也發現少數政府時期,無論在第二或第三階段,院會記名表決的通過率只有三成多,與多數政府時期的九成八有相當大的差異。也由於記名表決之成功率過低,使得民進黨政府越來越怯於採取表決的方式。最後,我們也發現政黨對立因政黨輪替之後少數政府執政而越來越嚴重,此種情況在第三階段泛藍與泛綠雙方席次越接近時,而越形嚴重。政黨對立的情況,可以從政黨對決的表決比例增加、政黨對決的類型越傾向藍綠對抗、以及政黨團結分數越來越高等指標看出端倪。 從目前初步的觀察,我們可以看出少數政府在立法院確實臨了在野黨不少挑戰,但是因為仍舊很短,我們不知道這是因為我國歷史上第一次政黨輪替所造成的朝野雙方的不適應,還是因為執政黨無法總握國會多數所造成的。要得到真正的結論,需要更長時間之觀察。


After the 2000presidential election, for the first time in Taiwan history, a Democratic Progressive Party candidate was elected as the President of Republic of China. However, in the Legislative Yuan, KMT still had majority of seats. As result, one party controlled the presidency, while the other party held a majority in the Legislative Yuan. What are the consequences when the presidency and congress are controlled by different parties? Will it lead to institutional conflict and mutual antagonism? Or, will the legislative Yuan try to expand their check on the Executive Yuan and president? Will it lead to legislative stalemate or gridlock? This study focuses on the interaction between the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan, especially the budget review and legislation review. If we just consider what percentage of the executive’s budget is cut by the legislature, there is no major difference between minority and majority governments. However, if we examine the number and content of resolutions accompanying the budget review, we find that the opposition parties take advantage of their legislative majority to pass resolutions that bind or restrict the behavior or the policy of the Executive Yuan. During the era of divided party control, the bills proposed by the Executive Yuan take a longer time to pass than the bills proposed by opposition party members. Moreover, the records of roll-call votes also reveal that the DPP lost more than 60 percent of their votes, compared with the less than 2 percent that the KMT lost during the majority government period. The roll-call vote data also show that more party votes and more pan-blue and pan-green competition occur and at the same time party cohesion increases. All these statistics point to the same conclusion, that is the DPP government does face serious challenges from the opposition parties in the Legislation Yuan because they do not have a majority of seats in the Legislative Yuan.


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