  • 期刊

Experiments in Living and Liberal Imperialism: A Reinterpretation of J. S. Mill's International Political Thought



By way of re-examining J. S. Mill's thoughts on liberal imperialism that consist of a theory of non-intervention and a theory of state-building, this article is meant to offer a re-interpretation of his political theory, so as, on the one hand, to challenge Michael Walzer's communitarian reading and, on the other, to meet some recent criticisms made from those who interpret Mill either as a an originator of democratic peace or as a liberal imperialist. It reads Mill's autobiography in the light of the doctrine of 〞experiments in living〞 highlighted by Isaiah Berlin and the ensuing new wave of attempts that try to reconcile Mill's utilitarianism with liberalism. Furthermore, the resulting interpretation presents Mill's liberal imperialism as a theory which is of a piece with his defence of individual liberty and support for utilitarianism, with the latter two understood as two logically as well as practically related doctrines linked by his concept of a 〞progressive being〞 which in turn is derived from Mill's reflection on his own experiments in living.


透過分析約翰.彌爾(John Stuart Mill)的「自由帝國主義」(liberal imperialism)思想,本文旨在重新詮釋其國際思想,亦即一套包括反對國際干預但支持協助他國建立民主制度的國際政治理論。此一詮釋一方面挑戰學界所熟悉Michael Walzer的「社群主義」(Communitarian)解讀,另一方面試圖回應學界對於彌爾作為全球化時代國際政治思想家的新一波關注。911事件過後,有論者認為彌爾的帝國主義思想可用以解讀美國反恐戰爭的理據,也有批評者主張彌爾乃「民主和平論」(Democratic Peace Theory)的始作俑者,而且思想內容存在諸多矛盾。本文的詮釋立足於以薩.伯林(Isaiah Berlin)的經典詮釋中所強調「生活試驗」(experiments in living)概念。此一概念引發了彌爾研究學界的新一波詮釋,企圖化解效益主義與自由主義的邏輯衝突。本文循線勾勒出此一詮釋的經驗主義層面,並據此重新解讀彌爾的《自傳》為深具理論意涵的一連串生活試驗,從而推論出彌爾的自由帝國主義實乃一套邏輯連貫且根植於實踐經驗的理論,如同其對於個人自由的捍衛以及效益主義的支持。其根基正是彌爾對於自身生活試驗的反思,也就是他所謂的「進步的個體」(progressive being)概念之真諦。
