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A Moral Foundations Theory of Human Rights: Illustrated by Taiwan's Moral Foundations for the Death Penalty


本篇論文是一篇人權政治理論的論文,我們試著回答,我們該如何促進人們心理上對人權的實際支持。為了回答這個問題,我們建議我們需要了解人權的社會論述和個人心理機制的關係。因此我們提出一個解釋人權意向的道德基礎理論框架。這個框架結合了喬納森.海特(Jonathan Haidt)等人提出的道德基礎理論以及丹.麥亞當斯(Dan P. McAdams)的三階層人格理論。我們試圖以這個框架描繪從人權事件發生到形塑人權意向的心理機制和過程。為了進一步說明這個理論框架的用處,我們以一個特定的人權議題-死刑-為例,分析了八種死刑相關的社會論述,探討了死刑社會論述、道德基礎和死刑意向的關係。我們的理論指出我們需要特定社會的道德基礎分布,特別是道德基礎的子面向,才能知道這個社會的道德基礎和死刑意向的關係。因此我們進一步試著透過經驗資料探討我們的理論。我們以海特等人發展出來的道德基礎問卷為基礎,以台灣社會為母體,設計了一個電話調查訪問的道德基礎問卷。我們分析了電訪獲得的資料,指出台灣社會作為東亞社會的死刑社會論述和道德基礎子面向的特殊性。我們最後提供了廢死運動一些論述策略建議。


人權 道德基礎理論 死刑 儒家 東亞


In this paper, we attempt to answer how we can facilitate people's real psychological support for human rights. To answer this question, we suggest that we need to understand the relations between human rights discourses and individuals' psychological mechanisms. Therefore, we propose a theoretical framework of moral foundations theory to explain people's human rights orientations. The framework combines Jonathan Haidt's and his colleagues' moral foundations theory and Dan P. McAdams's three-layers theory of personality. We use this framework to outline the mechanisms and processes that lead human rights events to shape people's human rights attitudes. To further explain the use of our theory, we apply the theory to a specific issue of human rights, namely, the death penalty. We analyze eight social discourses concerning the death penalty, and explore the relations among the discourses, the moral foundations and people's attitudes to the death penalty. Our theory suggests that we need to know the moral foundations of a specific society in order to learn the relations between the moral foundations and death penalty attitudes of that particular society. To illustrate, we design and undertake a survey based on Haidt's moral foundations questionnaire to find out the relations between Taiwan's moral foundations and death penalty attitudes. In the end, we offer some discursive strategies to Taiwan's abolition movement.


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