  • 期刊


The Sampling Analysis of Assign Topic Compositions of Junior High School Students-According to the Mistakes Had Been Violated as the Main Discussion Scope


本論文撰寫之主要目的,在於將筆者於九十五學年度九月至十一月間,先後在北、中、南、東等地區的四所國中所實施的二年級學生命題作文作-觀察報告,並將學生在行文時所犯的主要錯誤逐一解析,其主要觀察項目與寫作錯誤包括: (l)在審題立意方面-未審明題意、立意過泛。 (2)在行文布局方面-篇章段落安排不當、行文次序輕重不分、文意承接無法連貫、人稱敘述不統一。 (3)在遣詞造句方面-措詞不當、過度口語化、助詞及介詞有誤、語詞重出或不當省略、文句拖杳、語序不妥、語意不合邏輯。 (4)在錯別字、標點符號方面-音近(或音同)而字誤、形近(或音同)而字誤、整段-逗到底、誤置標點等。 針對上述的寫作所犯的錯誤,則嘗試擬訂遠程及近程輔導措施,前者重在閱讀和寫作能力的加強,主要重點有二: (1)透過範文教學以教導學生學習各種寫作技巧。 (2)引導課外閱讀,讓學生春成閱讀習慣,並學習正確的閱讀方法。 後者重在補救寫作上所犯的錯誤,也有兩個重點: (1)建立寫作命題題庫。 (2)設計寫作學習單。 此外,對於收回的一百六十一份樣卷所犯的寫作錯誤,也嘗試以統計數字和表格作為分析的輔助,期能提供教學者及研究者在國中寫作教學方面的相關參考資料。


In order to get through with the reports of observations for the author had been invited by four junior high schools located in each locations of Taiwan to give a designated topic speech during from September to November in 2006. The main objectives of this paper are to put the results about the assign topic composition that was carried out in eighth- grade class in those junior high schools. The observation reports probe into the major mistakes had been made during writing. The main observation items and writing mistakes include: (1) in the aspects of how to examine the subject and how to define the meaning-had not made sure the subject purpose, had not proper paragraph arrangement and had made the meaning too much extensively. (2) in the aspects of how to take style and how to deploy-it was wanting in a good style of writing, short of a continue and succeed mining and scanty of a uniformly person statement. (3) in the aspects of how to dispatch the words and how to make sentences-wrong words, excessive colloquial language, wrong auxiliary and preposition, too much repeated words and phrases or unsuitable omitted, indecisive and sloppy sentence, not proper word order, illogical word meaning. (4) in the aspects of how to avoid a wrongly written and how to take root punctuation marks-sound or appearance close, but word different, incorrect using of punctuation. What is more, there will be a trial to map out a long-range extracurricular counseling measure and a short-range too under the bridle of teaching hours and resources. It is aimed at those mistakes above-mentioned, take a shot at a long-range guidance and a short-range guidance. For the former, it is say to stockpile the student's abilities of reading. There are two major weight-bearing points. (1) Instruct students every kinds of writing techniques by way of a model essay teaching. (2) Guide students to do extracurricular reading to make them to form a habit of reading and a correct reading method. For the latter, it is say to stockpile the student's abilities of writing. There are two major weight-bearing points too. (1) Build up the questions warehouse. (2) Design the learning form for writing. Besides, regarding these 160 of uncorrected writing samples, there are try to analyze by statistic figures and tables in this paper. I sincerely hope it can provide a useful reference material in writing teaching for Junior High School Teachers.




