  • 期刊


Chong Wang's Spirit of Criticism in "Criticize Hen"


王充自述《論衡》之作「其本皆起人間有非,故盡思極心以譏世俗。」也就是說,當時社會偏離正軌,對這不實風氣的批判和導正是《論衡》立論的重點。近代學者也稱其為「批評的哲學」、「漢代批評哲學第一奇書」。至於王充〈非韓〉是一篇辨章法家的理論文章,文中大多篇幅在闡述法家「任刑用誅」不重視德治的學說現象。王充為什麼要非韓呢?也就是王充質疑法家「任刑用誅」之說與漢代的政治或法律背景是否有關呢? 因此,本文首先回歸到漢代的律令,探討漢律令與法家韓非學說的關聯性,試圖理解王充〈非韓〉是否在反映漢代陰法現象?其次,分析王充〈非韓〉篇中對韓非學說的質疑內容為何?並論述其對韓非學說的批判是否合理?最後,說明王充個人認為道德和法律皆不可偏廢的理念。希望藉由漢代現實問題的探索中,瞭解王充寫作不離「皆起人間有非」的宗旨,以及其對德治的理想。


王充 論衡 非韓 漢代


Lunheng, the book Chong Wang describe himself, says ”The origin all begins from the man's world. So, I try with all my heart to satirize common customs.” On the other hand, the society went the wrong way at that time. Therefore, the importance of Lunheng is to criticize and correct it. Recent scholars call this book ”philosophy of criticism” and ”the most fantastic book about critical philosophy in Han Dynasty”, Chong Wang's ”Criticize Hen” is an article to distinguish and understand the theory of Faism. Much of the content is to talk about the phenomenon that Faism exalts law and advocates achievements but doesn't govern people with ethics. Why did Chong Wang criticize Hen? Does that mean Chong Wang doubted the theory about exalting law and advocating achievements of Faism had to do with the politics and background of law in Han Dynasty? Therefore, first, this article goes back to the law in Han Dynasty, talks about the relationship between the law in Han Dynasty and Henfei's theory of Faism and tries to understand if ”Criticize Hen” of Chong Wang reflects the phenomenon of apparently using policy of Confucianism, but actually using cruel discipline and strict law in Han Dynasty. Second, I analyzed what ”Criticize Hen” of Chong Wang doubted the theory of Henfei. And discuss whether criticism is reasonable for it. Finally, I illustrate Chong Wang thinks moral and law can't both be ignored. I hope to understand the purpose of Chong Wang's writing clings to ”The origin all begins from the man's world. So, I try with all my heart to satirize common customs” and the dream about governing people with ethics.


Chong Wang Lunheng Criticize Hen Han Dynasty


