  • 期刊


To Abide and Violate between Confucianism and Taoism- on Pan Ni’s Attitude toward Life and Literature Expression




潘尼 西晉 處世心態 西晉文學


In researches on the Xi Jin Dynasty's important literati, Pan Ni is often glossed over by his father Pan Yue's literature radiance. Indeed, Pan ni is not one of the top characters in Xi Jin Dynasty from the point of view of literature history. But regarding scholars’ mentality and attitude and performance, Pan Ni is quite unique comparing the decadent intellectual ethos of Xi Jin at that time. He criticized the decadent morale and wrote many works about the pursuing of humanity, emphasizing to abide by the right Way, to reduce selfishness, and hold few desires. He threw himself into the officialdom and showed a positive attitude towards life. However, he didn't played up to people of power and influence in order to join the "Twenty-four Friends". Meanwhile he showed the tendency to be worldly-wise and make himself safe and held the secluding attitude to protect himself in dangerous situations, under the exterior behavior of serving the royal family and advocating the Confucian ethical code. This attitude also makes him stand among the few scholars in Xi Jin who got involved with politics but managed to survive. Pan Ni's abiding and violating between Confucianism and Taoism is definitely a unique aspect among the Xi Jin’s scholars. This article aims to make a comprehensive discussion on Pan ni's attitude toward life and his literature expression, making an attempt to wholly understand and evaluate the pattern of his conducts with both Confucianism and Taoism characteristics, so as to explore another kind of attitude towards life which is different from the pervasive decadent morale of Xi Jin's scholars.


