  • 期刊


The new exploration on the theme of the stele of Datang Zhongxing Song




The memorial tablet is a stone carving of Yan Zhenqing's writting. The content involves the evaluation of Tang xuanzong and Tang suzong. Because of the obscurity of the content, whether the yuan dynasty used the spring and autumn pen method to disparage Tang suzong, has been a controversial topic since the Song dynasty. The characteristics of the left bank of Yan Zhenqing increased the difficulty of solving this problem. In fact, the tang dynasty zte carol in content is praise not cynical ode body, on the material is used to celebrate carved stone, no derogatory meaning, and the characteristics of c left line, also it is not uncommon in the tang dynasty stone carving, cannot be used as the basis for Yan Zhenqing to dismiss Tang Suzong.


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