  • 期刊


Two Methods for Solving Load-Balancing Vehicle Routing Problems


大多數有關配送車輛途程的研究報告皆注重運輸時間和成本在配送效率上單目標的探討,可是隨著經營理念的改變,企業界也已開始追求「企業-員工-顧客」的三贏策略,本研究有鑒於此,將車輛工作人員之負荷平衡的因素也納入配送車輛途程問題考量範圍內,而規劃出一個同時追求最短距離與員工工作負荷最平衡的整數規劃模式與一啟發式演算法,以便可應用於一般較廣泛的配送車輛途程問題上。本研究將所建立的啟發式演算法以Visual Basic軟體予以程式化,並將其結果與11個範例之最佳解比較。研究結果顯示,本研究建立的啟發式演算法,在範例的測試下,於所追求的兩目標方面都具有求解精確性與穩定性的表現,在電腦執行的速度方面,更表現其簡單性的特質。


In modern business environment, employee are key resources to companies. The competitive advantage of a transportation company can be established if the company treats drivers and driver assistants fairly. It implies load-balancing is important to them. Hence, we developed an integer programming model for vehicle routing problems with two objectives. One is to minimize the total distance. The other is to balance the load among drivers and their assistants as possible. The characteristic of an integer programming model is NP-hard. Therefore, we also developed a heuristic algorithm to solve this type of problems. Based on our II test problems, we found that the heuristic algorithm behaves well.
