  • 期刊


A Study On Traffic Flow Conflict Models for Signalized Intersections




號誌化路口 衝突 期望值


Signalized intersections are always the main traffic bottlenecks of road system in urban areas. Therefore, how to analyze the traffic characteristics effectively and provide safe, efficient and fluency strategy in time are very important issues for signalized intersections. In the past studies, the evaluations of intersections' safety were mainly based on the analysis of conflict points and frequency of accident. However, the conflict points analysis only explains the effect of geometry design and signal phasing design at intersections. The relationship between traffic flow and safety can not be shown. The frequency of accident analysis only explains conflicts that have happened and cannot be able to infer the potential probability of accident occurring. This research infers the theory of expected conflict model based on various phasing design characteristic of signalized intersections, analyzes the factors of potential probability, traffic volume and location of vehicles for conflicts occurring and effects. Base on the inference and analysis, the traffic flow conflict models for a signalized intersection are developed. This research shows that these models can reflect conflict maneuvers such as crossing, diverging and merging of vehicles under different signal phasing design, increase the application of the expected conflict model. It can also serves as a quantity criterion on intersection safety and reference for traffic engineer on designing and evaluating traffic devices of intersections in the future.
