  • 期刊


Applying the Cell Transmission and Turning Proportion Estimation Models for the Development of an Adaptive Signal Control Logic


交通號誌為現今都市道路系統中必備的交通管理設施之一,然而,現行大多數交通號誌控制邏輯無法即時反應實際車流狀態,經常提供過長的綠燈時間或不當的紅燈管制,以及不連續的號誌時相順序,反而造成都市交通紊亂與能源的無謂浪費。適應性號誌控制邏輯的運作原理,係透過交通偵測器取得即時車流資料,根據路口實際車流型態,進行線上運算或動態查表,據以調整週期、時比與時差等交通號誌控制參數,以降低路口或幹道的總延滯時間與車輛停等次數。本研究以COMDYCS-3E 適應性號誌控制邏輯為基礎,改良其中三個模式內容,包含:路段車流推進預測、路口轉向比估計,以及適應性號誌控制模式六級決策內容。在模式評估方面,藉由微觀車流模擬模式VISSIM 的Signal Control API 建構完整的適應性號誌控制邏輯,同時在VISSIM 的模擬環境下,評估本研究所發展的整合式適應性號誌控制邏輯之績效。實證分析結果顯示,在幹道系統的模擬實驗中,本研究以LINDO API 套裝軟體求解依時性路口轉向比資料,其RMSE 誤差值最小為0.07;另在高流量的需求情境下,相較於固定時制與全觸動號誌控制方式,本研究所發展的改良式適應性號誌控制邏輯,可以改善5%以上的延滯時間。


Traffic signal control has become one of the necessary traffic control devices in urban road traffic management. However, current pre-timed signal control systems could not instantly meet the actual traffic demands, resulting in providing unnecessary green interval or inappropriate red time control, and discontinued signal phasing sequence. Under such a circumstance, traffic signal control might adversely become one of the main factors that cause traffic disorder and inefficient energy consumption. The operational principle of adaptive signal control logic is to dynamically compute or look-up-table of optimal signal timing parameters of cycle length, green split and offset to respond to real-time traffic demand collected by vehicle detectors. The ultimate goal of an adaptive signal control system is to reduce total traffic delays and vehicle stops at an intersection or arterial. Based on a local developed adaptive signal control logic, COMDYCS-3E, this research incorporates three components into the adaptive traffic signal control model, including traffic prediction with cell transmission model (CTM), turning proportion estimation model, and six-step timing decision process. To evaluate the proposed traffic prediction and turning proportion estimation models, this research used the Signal Control API built in the VISSIM microscopic traffic simulation model to establish an adaptive signal control logic, and assesses the performance of the proposed integrated model framework under the VISSIM’s simulation environment. In the traffic simulation experiments under an urban arterial system, this research solves the time-dependent intersection turning proportions using the LINDO API, and the numerical results showed that the minimum RMSE of the turning proportion estimates is about 0.07. Moreover, the numerical analysis results based on the simulation experiments showed that the proposed integrated adaptive signal control logic improves more than 5% system delay against pre-timed and fully actuated signal control logics.


