  • 期刊


Improvement Strategies for Rental Stations of Public Bike System




This study aims to provide improvement strategies for the public bike system in Pingtung (P-bike System). An optimization framework is developed and applied in this study to determine the locations of public bike stations. First, this study reviews the existing guidelines and standards worldwide for planning and design of public bike systems. Then, potential locations of rental stations are selected based on these guidelines and standards in this study. These locations are consisted of public facilities, markets, schools, recreation facilities and residential districts. Potential trips in each of the rental stations are analyzed and predicted by multiple linear regression analysis. Mathematical model based on Maximal Covering Location Problem is developed with the objective of covering the maximum potential users from the potential locations in the surrounding area of rental stations. In addition, this study applies the Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) to analyze the spatial characteristics of selected rental stations for validating that these rental stations are well distributed. Finally, case studies are conducted in Pingtung City and Chaozhou Town to verify the applicability of the model. Marginal benefit and cost analysis are also applied to determine the optimal scale of stations in the two cities. The research results could be a reference for Pingtung County in the improvement of public bike system. The model could also be used for planning and design of rental stations of public bike system in other cities.


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