  • 期刊


Modeling Airport Access Mode Choice-Target Customers of Taoyuan Metro and Strategies for Increasing Ridership




This study aims to explore air travelers' behavior of airport access mode choice, identify target customers of various modes, and propose strategies to increase the ridership of the Taoyuan airport metro. The design scenarios intend to attract private vehicles, taxi and bus users shifting to airport metro. Various logit models are used to identify factors affecting airport access mode choice. The revealed preference and stated preference data were collected from passengers departing at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. The results show that travel times and costs as well as respondents' trip and socioeconomics characteristics are important determinants. The parameters of travel times and costs present random taste heterogeneity. Taxi, bus, and airport metro are close substitutes. Target customers of Taoyuan airport metro consist of young adults and travelers carrying a small number of luggage for the leisure purpose. Strategies that offer transfer discounts and increase transfer convenience are likely to be effective in increasing ridership of airport metro.


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