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A Measurement of Multi-Level Semantic Relations among Mandarin Lexemes with Radical mu4: A Study Based on Dictionary Explanations


本研究使用辭典中詞語與釋義的關係,透過計算機進行詞語的多階層釋義關聯(Multi-Level Semantic Relation)量化計算,以比較字與詞組之間的釋義關聯程度。本研究從臺灣「教育部重編國語辭典修訂本」之中,取出屬「目」字部之所有字/詞共計4549個字與詞彙進行直接試驗,以避免人為語意辨別模糊與使用不同語料庫定義不同的缺點。經過不同的試驗說明多階層釋義關聯的特色及使用方式,其中包括將屬「目」字部所有的字與「目」進行多階層釋義關聯計算,表現出漢字意符的特色。最後並與常用的MI Value及t-score比較多階層釋義關聯之異同。


In this study, we utilize a quantitative method measuring the Multi-Level Semantic Relations based on 4549 Mandarin lexemes containing the radical mu4 (目). The research is carried out by first extracting all dictionary definitions for all lexemes containing this radical. Then, we consider the different layers of definitions (e.g., the definitions of the keywords in a definition) and measure whether two different mu4 (目) lexemes are related in meanings. It was found that both width (the number of lexemes covered) and depth (the number of levels to be calculated) contribute to the measurement of semantic relatedness. Some seemingly unrelated mu4 (目) lexemes are found related when the depth of definitions increases. The study also compares two sets of results - one based on MI value and the other based on t-score. Our findings show that our measurement based on multi-level semantic relations produces better results than MI value does, as a collocation measurement like MI value is less suitable for analyzing semantically related dictionary entries.


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