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A Move Analysis of Communicative Acts in Petition Text on the Public Policy Participation Network Platform




With the rapid development of information technology, the Taiwanese government has launched the Public Policy Network Participation Platform (Join Platform), which allows citizens to start and support a petition online and voice their opinions regarding public issues. The aim of this study was to apply the method of move analysis to investigate the text structure and linguistic features of the online petition genre. In total, 40 online petition texts were collected from the website and compiled into a corpus using the AntConc application. The collected texts were then annotated with reference to the four moves of the Situation, Problem, Solution, and Evaluation textual pattern and the communicative acts in each move. The results showed that the distribution of the moves varied across the articles and that the communicative acts in each move were represented by high-frequency words. The findings of this research will thus serve as a basis for future applications, such as computerized data collection, automatic annotation of rhetorical moves, and judgment of communicative acts in texts.


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