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Social influences in Peer Interactions: an Expectation States Analysis


本文結合庶人倫理與期望地位理論,提供同儕互動一個理論詮釋。以「學望」(perceived ability)定義同儕間的期望地位,區分「直接」與「間接」的互動,並據以形成三個假說以重新詮釋先前的發現。這三個假說分別爲:(l)在「直接」互動時,不同學望同學提出相同的發言內容,其接受的程度將有差異;(2)在「直接互動」時,學生對發言同學的學望期望將影響對該同學的支持度;以及(3)在「間接」互動的情境中,學望仍具影響力。 先前的研究以四所高中五個二年級班級180名學生與四個國中三年級班級爲研究對象,以「班級結構問卷」測量學生相對學望,以「異例」等題材,進行班級討論。 研究結果指出:結合庶人倫理與期望地位的理論,可以合理地解釋在「直接」互動情況中,同儕間的社會影響;在「間接」互動時,雖然上述的理論詮釋仍具解釋力,但必須考慮其他社會因素的效應。 根據研究的結果,對於班級討論或小組活動中學生的學習機會加以討論,並指出科學教學的意涵與進一步研究的建議。


Based upon ”Lay Ethics” (LE) and ”Expectation States Theory” (EST), this study proposed a theoretical interpretation of the phenomenon of social influences among peer interactions observed in previous study. Direct and indirect interaction were distinguished, and according to LE and EST, three hypotheses were generated. In the case of direct interaction, the acceptability of a given assertion depends upon the expected status of the individual offering the assertion; and the differences of the acceptability of a given pupil’s statement depends upon the differences in the pupil's expected statuses held by his/her classmates. The expected status still plays an essential role in case of indirect interaction as well. Five classes, 180 senior high school students and 156 junior high school pupils, were sampled from northern Taiwan. The expected status of pupils was measured by the ”Classroom Structure Inventory”, and tasks, such as ”anomalous phenomenon”, classroom discussion and paper-and-pencil test items. Four experiments were designed to test the above three hypotheses respectively. The following is a summary of some the most important findings. (1) A given assertion stated by higher status pupils was significantly more acceptable than when stated by students with lower status, (2) A given pupil's statement was more acceptable when other pupils thought he/she to be of high status. (3) Similar results were found for indirect indirect interaction. The issue of learning opportunity and equity in full class discussions and small group teaching, and implications of such findings for science education were discussed in light of this empirical exploration.


