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The Performance of Students with Different Learning Styles in the Skills of Explanation, Reasoning and Problem-Solving


本研究主要的目的在探討建構取向的教學中不同學習型態學生在解釋推理及問題解決能力的學習表現,採用質性非參與性研究法,以國小六年級四十七位學生為研究對象,將學生區分爲積極主動、慎思熟慮、按部就班及漠不關心等四種不同的學習型態。研究者透過教室觀察、訪談、田野筆記等方式蒐集不同學習型態學生學習的表現資料,本研究之主要發現有以下幾點: 1.自然科的學習涉及許多科學概念,教師讓學生有猜測和解釋的機會,可以幫助學生澄清科學概念。 2.以不同學習型態來區分,在課堂中以積極主動型的學生在預測、解釋與推理能力方面表現最佳,其次是審慎思考型的學生;按部初涯型以及漠不關心型的學生,則多以傾聽同儕發表意見爲主,他們往往是要教師指定才回答,而且答案相當簡短。 3.影響學生預測、解釋以及推理能力的因素有:(l)教師的引導。(2)舊經驗的影響。(3)和同儕相互辯證的結果。(4)閱讀課外書籍的有無,(5)個人意願,以及(6)分組討論的結果。 4.教師能提供學生小組討論或是全班共同討論的機會愈多,愈能增進學生在問題解決方面的能力。教師不立即告知學生解決問題的方法是對或錯,將有助於同儕間能以不同的角度思考如何解決所遭遇的問題。 5.以不同的學習型態區分,積極主動型和慎思熟慮型的學生在課當中傾向以自我想法和以舊經驗進行問題解決,而按部就班型和漠不關心型的學生,則較少在共同計論時提出想法,遇到問題時,則多傾向根據課本的方法進行問題解決。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the performance of students with different learning styles within a constructivist instructional approach. A qualitative research method was used to investigate the learning of sixth grade students. Data were collected using non-participant observation, interviews and document analysis techniques. Student learning styles were separated into four categories: active, reflective, systematic and indifferent students. The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Learning in science involves many concrete and abstract concepts, giving students ample opportunities to predict and to explain science phenomena can assist students on concept clarification. 2. The performance of students in prediction, explanation and reasoning follows the order that active students are better than the reflective students, which in turn are better than the systematic and indifferent students. The systematic and indifferent students participated in classroom discussion passively and expressed their opinions only when requested by the teacher. 3. Factors that affect student abilities in explanation and reasoning include (1) guiding from the teacher (2) past experiences (3) discussion with peer students (4) availability of extra curriculum books (5) willingness (6) group discussion. 4. The ability of students to examine a problem from different viewpoints can be improved if the teacher does not provide immediate answers to questions posed during instruction. 5. The active and the reflective students tend to use their own ideas and past experiences to solve problems, whereas the systematic and indifferent students rarely expressed their opinion in group or class discussion. They solved problems based mainly on the methods suggested in the textbook.


