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A Study of the Integration of College Leve Life Science General with the History of Darwinian Evolution




This study followed a design of collaborative action research. A set of teaching materials, workbook assessment, and related videotapes were edited for use with students in their General Education life science class. The instructional approach utilized dialogues and small cooperative groups to investigate the change of students' interest in general education, scientific attitude, understanding of the nature of science, growth of critical thinking, and general attitudes toward humanity and society. The results indicated that after learning with History of Science approach, (1) students' attitude toward learning changed from indifference to enthusiasm. Moreover, on the final open-ended questions related to perceptions of learning, 94.4% of the students expressed the view that the instructional approach enhanced their motivation and interests, (2) There was a significant difference (P=.034(superscript *)) between the preand post-SAI II. The final open-ended related to perceptions of learning indicated that 89% of the students reported a positive influence in their scientific attitude. (3) There was a significant effect (P=.001(superscript **)) on students' understanding of the nature of science. The analysis of interview transcriptions showed that students' understanding of the nature of science became more post-positivist during instruction. In addition, the final open-ended questions on perceptions of learning indicated that 89% of the students claimed the History of Science Approach improved their understandings of the nature of science, (4) There was a significant difference the pre-and post-workbook-assessments of cooperative learning groups, there (P=.0001(superscript ***)). The questions related to learning perceptions indicated that 91.7% of the students felt that their critical thinking and value reflection improved.


