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The Study of Investigating High School Students' Learning Performance Under the Instruction of Model-Based Inquiry




建模 探究與實作 模型


This study aims to investigate 10th grade school students' learning performance from using model-based inquiry instruction. After three weeks of modeling-based instruction, students were engaged in model-based inquiry with open-ended questions for another three weeks. Students' learning performance was analyzed via assessing changes of their (1) epistemological view of models, (2) performance in a modeling ability test, and (3) work collected from practice. Results show (1) a significant difference in students' epistemological view of models after instruction; (2) better performance on model selection and modeling construction processes; however, relatively poor performance in model validation and model application; (3) from their product of inquiry activities, students were found to select the correct variables and find the qualitative relationship among variables. There is still a gap that exists in the students' understanding before they form their models and explain the results of their actual work comparable to the way members of the scientific communities explain their results. A noteworthy finding is that a bimodal distribution exists in the model validation section on the modeling ability test. By comparing their responses on two questionnaires, the authors find that students who were ranked higher in their model validation performed better on questionnaire items related to the epistemological view of models. Therefore, investigators inferred from these results that students need a better epistemological view of models, in order to rank higher in model validation of the modeling competence.


Modeling Inquiry and Practice Model


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