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The Study on the Influence of Ethnic Group, Family Economy, Reading Environment, and Cognitive Ability on Scientific Problem-Solving Abilities of the Preschoolers




This research aims to explore the relationship and developmental changes on ethnic groups, family economy, reading environment, cognitive ability, and children's scientific problem-solving ability among 332 five-year-old preschoolers and their parents after three long-term follow-up surveys. The Latent Growth Model (LGM) was used to analyze the direct influence of factors such as family economy, reading environment, and cognitive ability of preschoolers on their scientific problem-solving abilities, as well as the indirect influence of these variables in different ethnic groups. Results showed that the follow-up abilities of preschoolers with higher scientific solution abilities did not increase faster than preschoolers with lower scientific solution abilities. Secondly, the growth rate of scientific solution abilities of the majority ethnic preschoolers was significantly higher than that of the minority ethnic preschoolers. Third, family economy, reading environment, and cognitive ability of preschoolers showed a significant impact on the initial performance and growth rate of scientific problem-solving abilities among the preschoolers. Fourth, in spite of the disadvantage of minority students' family economic status and the lack of reading environment resources, preschoolers with good cognitive ability demonstrated better initial performance in scientific solution abilities. However, the growth rate of the abilities of the minority ethic preschoolers was not as good as that of the growth rate of the abilities of the majority ethic preschoolers. These results indicate that ethnic group, family economy, reading environment, and cognitive ability have an impact on the initial state and growth rate of scientific problem-solving abilities among the preschoolers in this study. Relevant discussions and suggestions are put forward at the end of the article.


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