  • 期刊

Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) Following Use of Allopurinol and Relapse during Rapid Tapering of Corticosteroid



目的:藥物疹合併嗜伊紅血症及全身症狀(DRESS)為一種可能侵犯內臟的延遲性藥物過敏反應。在糖質類固醇治療突然中斷時,此過敏反應的再發並不少見。此文章描述一位發生DRESS的病人,在以糖質類固醇治療時由於降低劑量過快而造成病情惡化。案例說明:一位患有第五期慢性腎病的50歲男性服用allopurinol約2個月後,因發燒、呼吸困難、臉部浮腫、全身皮疹被送到急診。病人後來被診斷為allopurinol導致之DRESS,並開始全身性糖質類固醇治療。我們每日給予病人120 mg注射的methylprednisolone,並逐漸減量轉為口服prednisolone,病人的臨床症狀與實驗室檢驗都有明顯的進步。然而,病人的症狀卻在某次降低糖質類固醇劑量時復發了,因此我們恢之前的劑量,並減緩為每4~5日減量一次。病人的皮疹與臉腫在之後已改善。結論:Allopurinol導致之DRESS為一特別且可能致死的皮膚不良反應。臨床工作者應緩慢地降低糖質類固醇治療的計量並密切監測病人,注意復發的情況出現。


Objective: DRESS (drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms) is a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction with involvement of internal organs. It is not uncommon for the reaction to flare up due to abrupt withdrawal of corticosteroid therapy. We report a patient who developed DRESS associated with acute flare up during tapering of corticosteroid. Case Summary: A 50-year-old man with stage V CKD was brought to our emergency department with fever, dyspnea, facial swelling, and generalized skin rash after taking allopurinol for 2 months. The diagnosis of allopurinol induced DRESS was made and the patient was started on systemic corticosteroids. Intravenous methylprednisolone 120 mg/day was given, follow with slowly tapering of dosage to oral prednisolone. However, symptoms relapsed during corticosteroid tapering. We resumed the previous dose and tapered the dose every 4 ~ 5 days. Thereafter, patient's skin rash and facial edema resolved. Conclusion: Allopurinol induced DRESS is a distinct and potentially fatal cutaneous adverse reaction. Clinicians should gradually taper corticosteroid therapy and closely monitor patient for the emergence of possible relapse.
