  • 期刊

The Effectiveness of the Outdoor Refill Services Provided by Hospital Pharmacists during COVID-19 Pandemic



Objective: During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a breakthrough that the hospital pharmacy started to provide the outdoor refill services for patients with chronic diseases. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the outdoor refill system to reduce more patients entering the hospital and the impact on the community pharmacies nearby. Methods: On March 6, 2020, the outdoor refill counter opened at a regional hospital in Taiwan. A retrospective cohort study was conducted with complete data collection of prescriptions from March 9, to June 12, 2020. People were classified as those who refilled prescriptions with outdoor counter and those who refilled as usual inside the hospital. In addition, the number of refills in the hospital from January to August was compared to last year. The number of refills from three community pharmacies near the hospital was also collected. Results: During the study period, 3,543 patients refilled in the outdoor counter while 3,412 patients still chose to refill indoors, which meant more than 50% of patients who came to the hospital purely for refilling choose to refill outdoors. The proportions of those who received refills outdoors from the second week to the ninth week succeeded the proportions of those who refilled inside the hospital. In the meanwhile, the number of refills in community pharmacies compared to last year also increased. Conclusion: After the outdoor refill service is provided, the goal to reduce unnecessary entries into the hospital has been achieved with minimal impact on community pharmacies. This study provides strategies to establish a safe pharmacy service outdoors under the threat of COVID-19.


目的:在嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019)流行期間,醫院藥師為慢性患者提供戶外慢性處方箋領藥服務(簡稱為戶外慢箋領藥服務)進而降低感染風險,有其必要性。本研究目的為瞭解醫院藥局提供戶外慢箋領藥服務後,降低患者進入醫院之成效分析,並進一步分析對附近社區藥局之衝擊。方法:臺北市某區域醫院於2020年3月6日開始提供戶外慢箋領藥服務。本研究採回溯型研究,第一階段,收集在2020年3月9日至2020年6月12日期間,於該醫院領取慢性處方箋之病歷資料,探討戶外慢箋及院內慢箋之領用比例;第二階段,與附近社區藥局合作,分別收集院內及院外慢性處方箋調劑量,將今年1至8月慢性處方箋調劑量與去年同期比較。結果:研究期間,總計有3,543人使用戶外慢箋領藥服務,而院內領用慢箋人數為3,412人。表示單純領用慢箋之患者有半數以上選擇使用戶外慢箋服務,並且從第2週到第9週使用戶外慢箋服務比例持續超過院內領用慢箋比例,同時,附近社區藥局慢性處方箋調劑量與去年同期比較亦增加。結論:研究結果指出戶外慢箋領用服務能降低民眾不必要進入醫療機構並對社區藥局衝擊影響不大。未來若有另一波新型病毒大流行,此研究可提供降低民眾進入醫院的感染風險之流程策略,予醫療機構參考。
