  • 期刊


A Study on Tourist Hotel Food and Beverage Department Managers' Perceptions to the Hospitality Professional Competency




To establish the hospitality professional competencies can strengthen the service quality on tourist hotel food and beverage department, and also be competitive among tourist hotels. The study invited an expert group to establish the hospitality professional competency index. The study found that the professional competency index was composed of three sections (common attributes, back of the house attributes, and front of the house attributes), including 69 items. By using the professional competency index, the study surveyed tourist hotels' food and beverage managers, in order to understand how these managers perceive the professional competencies that F&B staffs should have. The main findings of the study were as follows: (1) the hospitality professional competency index was believed to be important, and the competencies are used frequently, and meet the needs in future; (2) the perceptions of the hospitality professional competency index were differed among different F&B managers' backgrounds. The study findings provide an alternative consideration for recruiting and selecting F&B employees, as well as address the issue on the hospitality professional competency for the industry.
