  • 期刊


The Moderating Effect of Brand Awareness and Interpersonal Ties Strength on the Relationship between Negative eWOM and Purchasing Intentions, and Consumer Confusion: Apparel and Dining Industry as Examples.




This research was aimed to explore whether interpersonal ties and brand awareness would mediate the effect of negative word-of mouth on consumers' purchasing willingness in apparel industry and dining industry. We designed an experiment which took advantage of scenario simulation and focused on apparel industry and dining industry. In addition, we had conducted 3 pre-tests in order to verify the scales' validity and reliability. The data was mainly from teenagers living in Taipei metropolitan district, and we collected 153 valid questionnaires. The result showed that interpersonal ties and brand awareness would mediate the effect of negative word-of-mouth on purchasing willingness and customer confusion in apparel and dining industry. We found that in apparel industry, especially brands with higher awareness, negative word-of-mouth would be diffused through weak ties, and brands with lower awareness cannot ignore negative word-of-mouth due to its significant effects on outcome variables. In dining industry, brands with higher awareness should also pay attention to the weak interpersonal ties due to diffusion behaviors of members, while less negative word-of-mouth would be diffused through strong interpersonal ties.


