  • 期刊

全球化時代的文化衝突與對治策略-從Jihad vs. McWorld論述探討起

Cultural Conflicts and Political Strategies in the Globalized Era-Discussion based on the Treatise of Jihad vs. McWorld


在二十一世紀的全球化進程之中,政治與經濟全球化發展日益蓬勃,文化的全球化現象亦逐漸形成。至今,全球化發展已然成為當前國際政治研究中首要之核心議題。雖全球化之趨向勢不可擋,然這並非意味著全球已成為一個統一與同質化的全球體系;相反的,全球文化之多元與複雜的特性依然存在。申言之,在全球化的發展中雖存在著令人嚮往與趨於同質的和平局境;但於同時,在地化(Localization)與「分殊化」的聲浪亦是漸次高漲。「分裂」(Fragmentation)與「整合」(Integration)的相互拉鋸因而形成了現時的全球秩序景觀。是以,欲理解全球化之發展,首先應肯定趨同整合力量與分裂力量共同構成世界全球化的過程。本文擬自美國學者Benjamin R. Barber教授所提出之「聖戰」與「麥當勞世界」(Jihad vs. McWorld)的論述談起,漸進的分析當代衝突之兩條主要軸線-「地域民族主義」及「全球主義」,它們各自的代表著相反的力量與方向。「聖戰」是由地區性、狹隘的種族仇恨所引導,「麥當勞世界」則是由全球資本主義市場引導;前者試圖從中重新建構古老的次國家以及種族界線,後者則是從外部滲透,模糊國家的界線。這兩股力量辯證式的相互影響形成全球文化衝突與融合之發展現況。本文除解析文化衝突之主要因素外,並探討全球文化融合的對治策略,目的希望提供思考未來全球和平的良好發展方向。


In the progressive course of the 21st century, Globalization in the field of politics and economic is developing actively, and it makes cultural Globalization a common phenomenon. So far, globalized development has become the premier subject in the core issues of international politics. Though globalization has become an unstoppable trend, it doesn't mean that the whole world has become a worldwide homogenized system. On the contrary, the complexity and diversity of the cultures of the world still exist. To claim, there is a peaceful situation worth yearning for during the development of globalization, while the call for localization and differentiation is also becoming higher and higher. The seesaw effect between fragmentation and integration has formed the landscape of the world's order today. Therefore, whoever wants to fathom the development of the world must acknowledge that the construction of the course of world's globalization is made by the powers of fragmentation and integration. This article based on the treatise of "Jihad vs. McWorld" by the American scholar professor Benjamin R. Barber tries in a progressive way to analyze "regional nationalism" and "globalism", the two main axis of modern conflicts, each of which stand for a complete opposite force and direction. In the article, "Jihad" is lead by localized, narrowed racial hatred, while "McWorld" by global market capitalism. The former tries to rebuild an ancient sub-nation and a racial barrier within, the latter leaks in from the outside, making the boundary lines obscure between nations. The two forces affect each other dialectically and form the current development of conflicts and fusion between cultures in the world. In addition to making analysis on the main factors of the cultural conflicts, this article discusses the strategies made against the fusion of cultures around the world, hoping to provide thoughts to a fine direction towards world peace.
