  • 期刊


Interpretation and Hermeneutics of Ontological Discipline by Zhan Ganquan and by Wang Yangming's Disciples




As an important Confucian in Ming Dynasty, Zhan Ganguan is one of those who emphasize grounding the moral practice on the understanding of the ontological entity. With a focus on the impartance of realizing the principle of Heaven at all times, Zhan's theory of moral practice considers both "learning" and "enlightenment": for the former, to learn is to learn how to restrain one's depraved mind or desires, as well as to behave in accord with the ancient Confucian maxims; for the latter, to enlighten is to enlighten oneself by sitting tranquilly that s/he has an inborn moral quality in one's mind. To sum up, one is able to grasp the principle of Heaven if and only if one is excellent in learning, and is also successful in enlightening his/herself. Even though Zhan Ganguan's doctrine of moral practice is sophisticated, he is always challeged by Wang Yangming, whose philosophy is rather focusing on the realization of pure knowledge, which is very different from Zhan's emphasis on external learning. Interestingly, some of Wang Yangming's disciples respect Zhan's approach, and this can be regarded as opening up the possibility for Zhan to communicate with Wang in terms of how to act morally. In this paper, I shall discuss Zhan's moral practice in a systematical way, which is a theoretical ground for a further comparison between Zhan and Yangming's disciples.
