  • 期刊

Familial Atrophia Maculosa Varioliformis Cutis - Case Report –



痘瘡斑狀皮膚萎縮於1918年由Heidingsfeld首次描述,其特徵是在臉上逐漸自發性地出現無痛性,形態各異且界限分明的淺部凹陷。據吾人所知,自首例報告之後共只有17 例新增病例。吾人報告台灣首兩名病例,他們是姐弟,年齡為10 歲及8歲,在臉頰及下巴出現許多自發性隨機分散無症狀的萎縮病灶。他們過去均無水痘或座瘡的病史。皮膚切片組織病理學檢查顯示表皮正常。在表淺真皮層中有一些緻密的膠原纖維,同時彈性纖維有減少的現象。此疾病必需與疤痕,人為皮膚炎及蟲蝕狀皮萎病做鑑別診斷。我們建議家屬在病人成年後考慮磨皮治療。(中華皮誌22 : 178-152, 2004)




Atrophia maculosa varioliformis cutis was first described by Heidingsfeld in 1918 as the gradual, spontaneous appearance of painless, shallow, sharply demarcated depressions of various shapes on the face. To the best of our knowledge, only 17 additional cases have been reported since the first description. We describe the first two patients in Taiwan. They are a sister and brother, aged 10 and 8 years, with multiple, spontaneous, randomly scattered, asymptomatic, atrophic lesions on the cheeks and chin. They had no history of varicella or acne. Histopathologic examination of an incisional biopsy specimen showed an unremarkable epidermis. In the upper dermis, there were a few compact collagen bundles and decreased elastic fibers. It is essential to differentiate this entity from scarring, artifact dermatitis, or atrophoderma vermiculata. We have suggested that the family consider dermabrasion for the disorder once the children reach adulthood. (Dermatol Sinica 22: 178- 182, 2004)
