  • 期刊


A Comparative Survey of Historical Taiwanese Dermatologic Vernacular and Academic Terminology TheTask Force to Develop an Indigenous Dermatologic Language Curriculum and Lexicography



20-30%醫療糾紛是因為醫師kap患者溝通不良。本土語言(Holo、客家、原住民南島語)能力ê不足可能扮演重要角色。醫學院無開設正式ê本土語言課程、醫學界對醫療病痛所使用ê口語無系統性ê了解研究、無制定標準化ê台語醫學術語詞彙庫等3等欠缺hō問題koh khah嚴重。本文首先紀錄第一本用台語(白話字)出版ê“內外科看護學”所收集kap創造ê台語皮膚科學醫學術語kap口語。這本書原本是為著beh hō臺灣醫療人員快快會使學得西方醫學,也同時替台語醫學術語kap醫學知識ê本土化建立了堅固ê基地。第二ê工作是拾揀現今台語kap皮膚病有關系ê口語語詞。這寡語詞反映出族群ê價值觀、生存ê自然環境kap氣候、社會生活慣勢、宗教信仰kap風俗文化。對病痛ê症頭有精密ê觀察,對病痛ê源頭kap病因有活跳跳ê想像。第三是將這2款語料提來kap現今ê英語、日語、華語皮膚科醫學術語做比對。結論是這2種語料會使成做建立全面性臺灣皮膚科學語言課程kap詞彙庫ê基礎,對皮膚科臨床事工ê推動kap建立本土化ê醫學教育有重大ê幫贊。




Twenty to thirty percents of disputes between physicians and patients are due to ill communication. Inept command in indigenous Taiwanese languages may play an important role. Inadequacy of Taiwanese language education in medical schools, scarcity of research in Taiwanese medical vernacular terms, and lack of standard - ization in Taiwanese medical terminology further complicate the problems. In the first part of this article, we record histologic Taiwancse dermatologic academic and vernacular terms in “The Principles and Practice of Nursing (PPN)”, the first medical textbook written in Taiwanese Holo language (Peh-oe-ji). Although PPN serves to facilitate Taiwanese medical personel learning knowledge in Western Medicine, it also mirrors the mastery of Taiwanese Holo language of the author and contributes to the advancement in Taiwanization of medical lexicons. Secondly, the present-day colloquial terms regarding skin diseases were also collected. We find that Taiwanese vernacular terms regarding skin diseases reflect the sense of value, the natural and geological environment, climatology, social norms and practices, and religious beliefs of Taiwanese society. Thirdly,we make a wordlist to compare those Taiwanese dermatologic lexicons with corresponding English, Japanese, and Chinese counterparts. It is concluded that those results can be used as a basis to establish a comprehensive Taiwanese dermatologic language curriculum and lexicography which are very important in medical education and clinical practice.


