  • 期刊

Comparison of Intradermal and Intramuscular Injection Technique in the Treatment of Inferior Periorbital Rhytids



近年來在醫學美容的領域,歐美及各先進國家都已廣泛並安全地將肉毒桿菌素(保妥適(上標 ®))應用於皺紋消除,臉型及腿型的修飾。除皺的應用範圍包括了皺眉紋、皺鼻紋、抬頭紋、魚尾紋、眼周皺紋、唇紋、口周皺紋、下巴皺紋及頸部皺紋。但是針對下眼部周圍細紋的研究,相對來說則是少之又少。 我們嘗試分享我們的經驗,嘗試以皮內注射的方式施打肉毒桿菌素,使其能夠均勻地擴散到下眼瞼的肌肉當中,以減少副作用的發生,同時達到治療眼睛下方的細紋的效果。 最後,在臨床上我們可以觀察到不錯的除皺效果,但因我們研究的患者數目較少,發生副作用的患者人數也相對偏高。所以雖然臨床上得到的效果和滿意度很高,但在進一步的研究之前,我們只能分享一些經驗,嘗試以非手術的方式,提供大家一種可選擇的除皺治療方式。




Botulinum toxin type A (Botox(superscript ®)) is well documented as a useful therapy for smoothening dynamic facial rhytids of the upper face. Most controlled studies have focused on the treatment of glabellar frown lines, horizontal forehead lines, and crow's feet. Reports of Botulinum toxin type A use in the inferior periorbital rhytids are few and anecdotal. We present our experience comparing intradermal and intramuscular injection with Botulinum toxin type A in inferior periorbital region for the treatment of inferior periorbital rhytids. Smoothening of inferior periorbital rhytids with opening of the palpebral aperture of lower eyelids were more obviously observed on the side receiving intradermal injection with diluted Botulinum toxin type A. However, treatment-related adverse events tended to occur more frequently with intradermal injection than intramuscular injection. As the results, we thought that intradermal injection with Botulinum toxin type A in inferior periorbital regions may provide an another choice of non-surgical treatment in periorbital rhytids.
