  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Mouth Rinsing in Reducing Oral Malodor


口腔異味已經漸漸成為現代人的困擾之一。依據學者之研究發現,口臭的形成有87%的來源是口腔因素,其餘則與全身性系統疾病有關。口腔內這些異味,主要是因為牙周疾病、唾液分泌不良、舌背微生物聚集及假牙清潔不當後,經由某些特別的細菌分解蛋白質,代謝成為揮發性硫化物(volatile sulphur compounds; VSCs)氣體,進而形成口臭。 通常口腔異味最常發生於早晨起床時。因此,本研究請30位牙周組織健康的受測者於早晨起床後未進食前,以Halimeter(上標 ®)測量漱口前口中VSCs之濃度,然後分三週,每週分別使用不同之漱口水(寶馬生、李施德霖、清水)只漱口一次、每次一分鐘,經過15分鐘後,再檢測一次,觀察使用不同漱口水漱口前、後,其口腔內VSCs之濃度變化;結果顯示,只要漱口即可有意義的降低VSCs濃度,但不同漱口水及清水之間,則無統計差異;因此,本研究結果建議漱口可有意義降低口中異味的程度,但漱口水在短時間內似乎並無更積極的角色。


口臭 漱口水 揮發性硫化物


Breath odor (Halitosis) is one of the body problems. According to previous studies that around 87% of bad breath were originated by oral causes and the rest might result from various physical conditions. In the presence of periodontal disease, poor saliva flow, excessive microbial colonization of the tongue, or unclean dentures, proteins with sulfur-containing amino acid are dissolved by specific bacteria then converted into volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs), halitosis formed subsequently. Morning breath odor is an often-encountered complaint. Therefore, this study evaluated the effectiveness of mouth rinsing in improving mouth breath by choosing 30 periodontally healthy subjects, without having breakfast in the morning, and testing the VSCs in their mouth air before and after rinsing. The subjects were given Parmason(superscript ®), Listerine(superscript ®) and water separately in three weeks in order to further identify the effects of different mouthrinses in reducing mouth odor. The result of this study shows that mouth rinsing is a very effective way in reducing oral malodor. It suggests that, however, there is no significant difference among different mouthrinses.
