  • 期刊


The Effect of Intermittent Parathyroid Hormone in Periodontium


副甲狀線素(parathyroid hormone)對骨骼的生理作用是異化代謝(catabolic effect),藉促進骨吸收以提升血鈣濃度,後來發現間歇性投與副甲狀腺對骨骼卻有合成代謝(anabolic effects)之作用,每日皮下注射可提高骨密度。目前副甲狀線素已被應用於罹患骨質疏鬆症的病患,可有效減少骨折發生並增加骨密度。在牙科方面,已知副甲狀線素可影響牙周組織細胞,動物研究顯示可減少牙周炎的骨缺損發生、減少因卵巢切除動情激素缺乏合併牙周炎引起的骨缺損,且可促進顱頂骨缺損癒合,增加其缺損處骨量和骨質密度。全身性給與則甲狀腺素對於牙周組織的影響,仍待更多的研究加以探討。


Parathyroid hormone (PTH) exerts catabolic effects on bone which induces bone resorption to increase serum calcium level under physiologic conditions. However, the anabolic effects on bone were discovered when PTH was administered intermittently. The bone density can be improved followed daily subcutaneous injection of PTH. PTH has been applied in treating osteoporotic patients which resulted in significant reduction in fractures. In the dental aspect, it was known that the cells in periodontium are responsive to PTH. In animal study, PTH reduced the experimental periodontitis and ovariectomized experimental periodontitis bone loss. PTH may promote the effects of guided bone regeneration in craniofacial bony defects and increase their bone density and mechanical strength. The effects of systemic PTH on periodontium are worthy of further studies.
