  • 期刊


Periodontal Regenerative Therapy for Severe Combined Perio-Endo Lesions: A Comprehensive Periodontal Case Report




This article is a case report of a 53 year-old woman who suffered from generalized chronic periodontitis and received comprehensive periodontal treatment. In particular, the sites of teeth #37 and #46 were found to have periodontitis associated with pulpal disease and severe bony destruction. The patient received non-surgical endodontic treatment together with periodontal initial therapy. After phase I therapy, guided tissue regeneration together with bone graft therapy was performed on the severe lesions. One year after treatment, the full mouth probing depth overall had been reduced to below 4mm and 96.4% of sites had been reduced to below 3 mm. An initial 42.2% bleeding on probing had improved to 3% and 55% of the sites showed attachment level gains. Radiography was also carried out and this showed apparent bone fill affecting multiple intrabony defect and furcation involvement sites. Overall, the patient now has good oral hygiene and carries out regular maintenance. The periodontal health of the patient has improved significantly and is stable. This report also presents the treatment courses used and further reviews the current literature on the clinical efficacy of different regenerative materials including autogenous bone grafts, DFDBA and barrier membranes when they are used to treat periodontal intrabony defects and furcation involvement.
