  • 期刊


Self, Scene and Action: The Final Chapter of Yuan Ye


本文關注17世紀造園名著《園冶》,並以末章〈借景〉爲焦點。作者要旨有二:首先,細讀借景篇,提出一個關於“借景”概念的新認識。其次,闡明“借景,林園之最要者也”的意義。 本文論述涉及兩方面的想法。其一,以往論者多以《園冶》典故爲裝飾,非關概念性的理解,本文摒棄此種觀點,從而取得論述的基本動機。其二,本文以比較哲學家吳光明的著作爲本,進而展開論述。以往論者多以《園冶》修辭爲“詩意性表達”,不堪深究,而按本文分析,《園冶》修辭與吳光明“遊走性思維”一論剛好暗合。《園冶》提供了對“借景”的理解,卻摒棄單一性定義的方式,而以一種遊思展開,遊走于自我、景致及行動之間。 在論述過程中,本文揭示了《園冶》涉及的幾個概念性主題或與當代建築學、景觀學諸話題榫和,是故《園冶》並非一時之論,對當代事務,亦有所提示。以往論者多以《園冶》爲經典之作,然少有具體論證;本文作者引入當代視野的觀照,試圖診釋:經典之論或非虛言。


園冶 供景 中國園林 造園理論


The focus of this essay is Yuan Ye, a 17th-century treatise on garden design, and, in particular, its final chapter, which deals with ”borrowing views.” The aim of this essay is twofold: it proposes a new understanding of the concept of ”borrowing views” by undertaking a close reading of the final chapter, and it attempts to explain why the treatise declares this notion the most important in garden design. Two gestures of thinking are fundamental to the thinking proposed in this essay. The basic impetus of the essay is derived from bracketing the common assumption that the literary allusions in Yuan Ye are merely ornamental and not crucial to a conceptual understanding of the issues at hand. The horizon of the argument is opened up by positioning the work of Wu Kuang-ming in comparative philosophy as an interpretive key. The rhetorical features of Yuan Ye, often assumed to be merely ”poetic” and opaque to further analysis, are seen to be conso nant with the nature of peripatetic thinking as discussed in Wu's work. Yuan Ye offers an understanding of ”borrowing views, ” not by univocal definition, but by following a meandering thinking that shuttles between self, scene and action. In the course of this analysis, aspects of Yuan Ye are shown to be cognate with aspects of contemporary thinking in architecture and landscape architecture. Yuan Ye is not merely a text addressed to the concerns of its own time, but has something to say to our present. In this sense, the (commonly made, but rarely assayed) claim that Yuan Ye is a ”classic” might not be empty.
