  • 期刊

Interview Rapport and Interviewer Clerical Performance




前人探討影響訪員工作表現的因素多半著重在靜態的訪員特徵上,較少放在與角色扮演相關的訪問互動表現上(如:訪問友好關係)。本研究企圖利用訪員對受訪者合作程度的主觀評估以及訪員在問卷紀錄的品質,分析訪問友好關係對訪員問卷紀錄品質的影響。分析的四筆訪問調查資料來自台灣地區社會變遷基本調查四期一次卷一與卷二(2000)與四期二次卷一與卷二(2001)。利用多層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Model,簡稱HLM)進行四筆資料的合併分析後發現,訪問友好關係對訪員問卷紀錄品質除了具有正向的線性效應之外,同時存在負向的曲線效應。根據模式的預測,當訪問友好關係提高時訪員的問卷記錄品質會提高。問卷記錄品質的提高到一定程度時(約滿分20分時的17分左右)會停止而下降。這個結果呼應了一直以來文獻中所討論的,友好關係到底對於訪答品質是否一定是正向效果。研究結果則暗示未來無論是訪問合作關係及訪員工作表現的測量方法,或是研究理論架構均須做進一步的修正與驗證。


Previous studies of interviewer performance have mostly focused on its association with interviewer characteristics. Little attention has been devoted to role-restricted variables such as interview rapport. This paper examines the effect of interview rapport on interviewer clerical performance. Interview rapport is based on the interviewer's evaluation of a respondent's cooperativeness during an interview, while interviewer clerical performance is measured by six answer-recording behaviors. Four datasets analyzed were from Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) conducted in 2000 and 2001. A two-level Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM2) was used recognizing the possible importance of interviewer effects.The analysis of the combined data showed that interview rapport exerts not only positive linear effect but also negative curvilinear effect on interviewer clerical performance. The estimated coefficient suggested that interviewer performance increase with rapport but decline after the rapport scores was more than 16. A modification of the measurement of interview rapport and interviewer performance as well as conceptual framework was discussed.


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