  • 期刊


Home Atmosphere During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations among Parents' Emotional Regulation, Anxiety and Adjustment, and Children's Emotional Experiences




To understand children's emotional experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, this study adopted the viewpoint of ecological systems theory and investigated the effects of parents' emotional regulation, anxiety, and adjustment on children's negative and positive emotions. Data for a total of 878 parent-child pairs were collected from an online survey. Structural equation modeling analysis was conducted with acceptable model fit (SB_χ^2=156.70, df=101, p<.001, CFI=0.98, TLI=0.96, RMSEA=0.025, 90% CI of RMSEA=[0.017, 0.032], SRMR=0.019). For children's negative emotions, the effect of parents' anxiety about the pandemic was positively significant (β=0.26, p<.001), while the effect of parents' adjustment to the pandemic was negatively significant (β=-0.20, p<.001). For children's positive emotions, the effect of parents' adjustment was positively significant (β=0.29, p<.001), while the effect of parents' anxiety was non-significant. Parents' rumination on pandemic-induced emotions was positively related to their anxiety (γ=0.45, p<.001). The mediating effect of parents' anxiety was only significant for the path from parents' rumination to children's negative emotion (estimate=0.12, S.E.=0.03, Sobel's Z=3.90, p<.001, 95% CI=[0.06, 0.19]) but non-significant for the path to children's positive emotion. Parents' rumination was negatively related to their adjustment (γ=-0.13, p=.003). The mediating effect of parents' adjustment was significant for the path from parents' rumination to children's negative emotions (estimate=0.03, S.E.=0.01, Sobel's Z=2.25, p=.03, 95% CI=[0.01, 0.06]) and positive ones (estimate=-0.04, S.E.=0.01, Sobel's Z=-2.51, p=.01, 95% CI=[-0.08, -0.01]). Parents' distraction from pandemic-induced emotions was only positively related to their adjustment (γ=0.14, p<.001). The mediating effect of parents' adjustment was significant for the path from parents' distraction to children's negative emotions (estimate=-0.03, S.E.=0.01, Sobel's Z=-2.56, p=.01, 95% CI=[-0.06, -0.01]) and positive ones (estimate=0.04, S.E.=0.01, Sobel's Z=2.82, p=.005, 95% CI=[0.02, 0.08]). Parents' reappraisal was negatively related to their anxiety (γ=-0.09, p=.03). However, the mediating effect of parents' anxiety was non-significant for the path from parents' reappraisal to children's negative and positive emotions. Parents' reappraisal of pandemic-induced emotions was positively related to their adjustment (γ=0.15, p=.001). The mediating effect of parents' adjustment was significant for the path from parents' reappraisal to children's negative emotions (estimate=-0.03, S.E.=0.01, Sobel's Z=-2.37, p=.02, 95% CI=[-0.07, -0.01]) and positive ones (estimate=0.04, S.E.=0.02, Sobel's Z=2.57, p=.01, 95% CI=[0.01, 0.09]). Parents' suppression was positively related to their anxiety (γ=0.08, p=.03). However, the mediating effect of parents' anxiety was non-significant for the path from parents' suppression of pandemic-induced emotions to children's negative and positive emotions. Parents' social sharing was only positively related to their anxiety (γ=0.10, p=.002). The mediating effect of parents' anxiety was significant for the path from parents' social sharing to children's negative emotions (estimate=0.03, S.E.=0.01, Sobel's Z=2.49, p=.01, 95% CI=[0.01, 0.06]) but non-significant for the path to children's positive emotions. These findings might be of importance in providing professional consultants and family life educators a better understanding of how children's emotional experiences in stressful environments are affected by their parents' emotional regulation, anxiety, and adjustment.


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