  • 期刊


Related Factors on the Use of Asthma Medication in the Mothers of Affected Children


This study was to explore knowledge, technique, self-efficacy and related factors of the mothers on use of asthmatic medication in children. A study design based on investigation was adopted. Constructive questionnaires from 82 mothers were collected from a pediatric allergy clinic of a medical center in Taipei. This study ultimately revealed the mothers’ knowledge and ability to use inhaling devices is rough and self efficacy is insufficient. There show a significant positive correlation between knowledge and self efficacy (p<0.001), ability to use inhaling devices and self efficacy (p<0.001), and show a negative correlation between knowledge and health status, ability to use inhaling devices and health status, self efficacy and health status, but no significantly. Nurses’ can adopt the results of study as a reference for instruction to mothers’ of children with asthma.


This study was to explore knowledge, technique, self-efficacy and related factors of the mothers on use of asthmatic medication in children. A study design based on investigation was adopted. Constructive questionnaires from 82 mothers were collected from a pediatric allergy clinic of a medical center in Taipei. This study ultimately revealed the mothers’ knowledge and ability to use inhaling devices is rough and self efficacy is insufficient. There show a significant positive correlation between knowledge and self efficacy (p<0.001), ability to use inhaling devices and self efficacy (p<0.001), and show a negative correlation between knowledge and health status, ability to use inhaling devices and health status, self efficacy and health status, but no significantly. Nurses’ can adopt the results of study as a reference for instruction to mothers’ of children with asthma.


