  • 期刊


Accessing the Quality of Life in School Age Children with Asthma in Taiwan by Childhood Asthma Questionnaire Form B


本研究目的係以Childhood Asthma Questionnaire-Form B (CAQ-FORMB)問卷,評估台灣氣喘學齡期兒童之生活品質,並進一步與澳洲氣喘學齡期兒童之生活品質相比較。以問卷調查法及立意取樣方式,於北市某醫學中心小兒過敏免疫科門診,選取小學2-6年級患孩進行調查。此研究共收集有效問卷62份進行統計分析,結果發現動態生活品質滿意度達80.2%,靜態生活品質滿意度達82.0%,但同時患孩自覺嚴重度亦有54.7%,氣喘憂慮度更高達74.8%。此研究結果,有助於了解氣喘患孩對自我生活品質之評估情形,而可作為臨床醫護人員提供衛教及醫療照護之參考。


This study is aimed to assess the life quality of school age asthmatic children in Taiwan by using the CAQ-FOPJVIB questionnaire and to compare further with that of Australian schoolchildren with asthma. Thru questionnaire and the method of purposive sampling, this study surveyed asthmatic children in grades 2-6 from the outpatients of an allergic medical clinic in northern Taiwan. There were 62 subjects included in this study for statistic analysis. Result found out that active quality of life (AQoL) reached 80.2% satisfactory degree and passive quality of life (PQoL) reached 80.2% satisfactory degree. But simultaneously child patients' severity (SEV) could attain 54.7% distress (DIS) reaches as high as 74.8%. The result of this study helps to understand asthmatic condition effects QOL. It can serve as reference for bedside nursing personals as lessons in studies.


