  • 期刊


Identifying Healthcare-Associated Infections Identification by Claims and Administrative Database




Healthcare-associated Infections was an important issue for medical society, many studies were conducted in academic and medical societies, to try to reduce the prevalence of healthcare-associated Infections. Traditionally, large-scaled studies were conducted by administrative or claims database, the infection cases were usually identified by the International Classification of Diseases system. However, many studies indicated that the coding bias of International Classification of Diseases codes might be caused by internal and external factors. In recent years, some researchers devoted themselves to infection cases identification model development in administrative database. However, the review of this topic was insufficient in literature. In this study, we retrieved studies from Medline databases from 2000 to 2012 and completed a manual review of cited articles to identify studies related to infection cases identification model development. A total of 26 studies were included in this review. In summary, there are three types of infection cases identification models development. We introduced these three types of models and provided some reflections and new ideas for future researches in Taiwan.


12. 游宗憲:手術傷口感染判別模式之建立與應用:以醫療提供者冠狀動脈繞道術服務量與感染研究為例。台北市,臺灣大學健康政策與管理研究所,2012;125。Tsung-Hsien Yu. Development and Application of Alternative Models for Identifying Surgical Site Infection: Examining the Association Between Provider CABG Volume and Hospital-acquired Infection. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation) Institute of Health Policy & Management, National Taiwan University, Taipei. 2012; 125
1. Tikhomirov E: WHO programme for the control of hospital infections. Chemioterapia 1987;6:148-51.
2. Huang SS, Placzek H, Livingston J, et al: Use of Medicare claims to rank hospitals by surgical site infection risk following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2011;32: 775-83.
3. Huang SS, Livingston JM, Rawson NS, et al: Using hospital claim data to monitor surgical site infections for inpatient procedures. Am J Infect Control 2008;36:S32-S36.
4. Haley RW, Shachtman RH: The emergence of infection surveillance and control programs in US hospitals: an assessment, 1976. Am J Epidemiol 1980;111:574.
