  • 期刊


The Exercise Habits and Related Exercise Information of Nurses


本研究目的在探討護理師運動習慣及對運動訊息管道來源。研究採自建式網路問卷對住院病房護理師進行資料收集。共分析379位參與護理師的問卷,其中296位為輪班護理師及83位為非輪班護理師(如護理長)。結果顯示超過一半以上(65.7 %)的護理師沒有規律運動習慣。輪班者(68.6%)比非輪班者(55.4%)更沒有規律運動習慣。兩組護理師沒有規律運動原因在缺乏運動同伴、上班時間無法配合及沒有興趣,且有統計上顯著差異。非輪班者比輪班者在從事「柔軟度」類型運動時傾向選擇柔軟操。輪班者比非輪班者取得較少的運動訊息管道(p < .00)。本研究建議管理者在推動「健康促進」時應組成不同時段的社團、護理主管能提供足夠的休假(例如兩天的連假)、提供運動設施及彈性開放運動設施時間,並更積極宣導運動資訊以促進未來護理師規律運動習慣的養成。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the exercise habits of nurses and also find out about their sources of related exercise information. One self-developed web based questionnaire was applied to all inpatients care nurses. A total of 379 respondents including 296 shift-work nurses and 83 non-shift-work nurses (e.g. head nurses) were analyzed. The results showed that more than half of the nurses (65.7%) had no exercise habits. Shift-work nurses (68.6%) tended to have less exercise habits than non-shift-work nurses (55.4%). The reasons why the two groups of nurses had no exercise habits showed statistical significance differences on lack of sport partners, incompatible work schedule and lack of interest. Compared to shift-work nurses, non-shift-work nurses showed a preference for calisthenics targeted at improving body flexibility. Shift-work nurses obtained less exercise related information than non-shift-work nurses (p < .00). When considering health promotion strategies in hospitals, some recommendations such as in-hospital sport related clubs, offering different time class schedules, nurse managers scheduling enough days off (e.g. take two days off), offering sport facilities with flexible opening hours and more aggressive delivery of exercise information to nurses would help them develop regular exercise habits in the future.


Nurses exercise habit exercise information


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