  • 期刊


The Perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners on Aristolochic Acid-Associated Urothelial Cancer




There are many studies about aristolochic acid (AA) nephropathy and aristolochic acid-related urothelial cancers after the herbal product usage, which prompted people to pay much attention to the safety issues of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), happened in Belgium in 1993. We propose two major types of outcome research that can be useful to generate evidence for the safety profile of TCM therapies: retrospective exploration of national or currently existing databases, and prospective observational clinical studies targeted on the active surveillance of safety profiles and the effectiveness of TCM. In these of studies, we found the risk doses of herbs containing AA (chronic kidney disease: Mu-Tong> 30g, Fang-Chi> 60g; urothelial cancer: Mu-Tong> 60g, AA> 150mg). In addition, renal protective effect of some Chinese herbal remedies (not containing AA) was identified. Only through the strengthening pre-market assessment of quality and safety in herbal product manufacturers and close observation of clinical practice by TCM practitioners, we can prevent the misuse of toxic herbs and the tragedy from adverse effects.


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