  • 期刊


Development of Programs on Community Pharmacy Experientials at the National Taiwan University


社區藥事執業在基層醫療團隊中,直接為民眾提供藥事照護服務,其經驗的傳承應是藥師養成教育不可或缺的一環。臺大藥學教育領航臺灣之藥學科學及專業人才培育一曱子,獲衛生醫療單位的重視 與各界的肯定。本文陳述自民國八十年代起開拓社區藥局實習教學以來迄今二十餘年所投入的努力與教 學發展過程,期望藥界、藥學院校合作,全國一致共同永續經營此經驗傳承教學。


Community pharmacy practices, by providing direct care to the public, is an integral part for ideal primary healthcare services and systems. Competent pharmacists would not be fostered if without adequate experiential trainings while at pharmacy schools. The School of Pharmacy at the National Taiwan University has been renowned, by domestic healthcare authority and relevant societies, as pioneering in educating pharmaceutical scientists and pharmacist professionals of the future. The article describes the two-decade development of three-level, stepwise programs on community pharmacy experientials. We hope the course establishment endeavors and teaching experiences learned would help facilitating long-lasting partnership in community practice experiential education between pharmacy societies and pharmacy schools.


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