  • 期刊


Gendered Innovations in Medical Research: The Case of Stroke Study


近年來不少國際重要醫學期刊開始要求說明研究對象或實驗動物之性別,世界衛生組織(WHO)也針對健康的性別不平等現象,提出性別主流化的應對方法,這趨勢都回應Londa Schiebinger(2005)提出的「性別創新」(gendered innovations)概念。其目的是:改善偏頗科學研究帶來的問題、避免導致成本的提升、重視男女生理性別的差異,以及社會性別所導致風險因子、行為模式、風險追求、健康習慣等差異,以及此二者交互作用產生的健康影響等。本文透過系統性文獻查證法(systematic review)對台灣的「中風」相關研究(2005-2015)進行文獻分析。初步得到下面的成果:台灣中風研究融入性別分析數量偏低;社會性別差異仍常被忽略; 研究對象與動物實驗性別比的不當落差,國內專業組織與研究者關注中風的性別差異有待加強。


Some top international medical journals have included gender data into their policy, not only the data about sex and gender differences between men and women, but about the male and female mice in the lab. WHO also adopted gender mainstreaming policy to deal with health inequality between men and women. These are named as gendered innovations by Prof. Londa Schiebinger. It aims at readjusting the bias imbedded in scientific research; reducing the costs and expenses; paying attention to risk factors, behavior models, and health habits as a result of sex and gender differences and their interaction and mutual influence. The paper adopts methods of systematic review to analyze the data on stroke published in 2005-2015 both in English and Chinese. The primary results are as follows: Low rate of including sex and gender in Taiwan researches; gender differences are still ignored in research; there is huge gap in sex/gender ratio for researching human objects and experimental mice, and more rooms for improvement for paying attention on sex/gender differences from well-established professional societies and researchers.


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賴怡因、柯乃熒、劉曉穎、李欣純、柯文謙:女性HIV感染者之臨床表徵與性別差異。愛之關懷2009;67:15-21。[Lai YY, Ko N Y, Liu HY et al: Gender-based differences in clinical presentations of patients with HIV/AIDS. J of AIDS Care 2009;67:15-21.]
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